We have paid our small annual fee and since that time have more than got our moneys worth!!! Whether it sunshine (rarely so...come on now...it's Britain) or rain, if we have a free day, out comes our little book and we select somewhere on the map we haven't been and off we go....for freeeeeeeeeee!!!
What's more, we have found ourselves in the following old couple pattern:-
Stage 1- looking at the map of the UK, pinpointing somewhere we haven't been before (which unfortunately is most of the UK)
Stage 2- we book a cheap hotel room
Stage 3- whip out the National Trust map and pick out the places of interest we are going to exploit for free entry
Stage 4- pack our funky little picnic cool bag (possibly one of the most exciting purchases of the year so far next to Tallulah...I'm sad I know) ]
Stage 5- Turn up, gloat to ourselves and feel good when we add up how much we have saved on entrance fees and snap away with the camera :D
You will be forgiven for thinking that you were reading the pattern of an old married couple, but what can we say...we are suckers for cheap (free) entertainment and travelling. hehe x